Friday, December 4, 2009

Long Over Due

Well, It's about time I updated this thing...The summer was pretty good, Kaitlyn loved being outside every chance she got. We went to Colorado in June to see James' Aunt and Uncle, Kaitlyn did alright, but it was a long drive both ways! I don't want to do that again. The visit there was really good and was able to see his aunt and uncle. Katie even let the uncle hold her a little bit, I was amazed because she doesn't like other people holding her. Halloween was really fun this year with Katie she was a bumblebee and a very cute one! She would want to grab the candy after it was being put into her Halloween bucket. Thanksgiving was alright, the food was yummy!

Now, Christmas is approaching, we set up the Christmas tree and put some decorations up. It is going to be a fun Christmas for Kaitlyn this year, right now she will say Santa Clause when she sees it on TV or Newspaper. She says Christmas Tree Big Tall. She got right into putting the decorations up on the tree when we started putting them up. She will say Snowman, we have this blown up Snowman that she wants us to plug in so she can see it inflate.

Kaitlyn is really talking a lot more and she knows how to say all of her ABC's except for W and she has been counting to 5 lately, she is getting to be smart. Right now, I am working with her on the potty training.

Well, that's a wrap for now.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Hi Shannon, thanks for the comment on my blog! Kaitlyn is a really cute name. You should post pictures if you ever get a chance. I bet she is adorable.